SIAL 2024Products & Services Lambertz Lambertini "Summer Edition* in the flavours lemon and strawberry

Lambertz Lambertini "Summer Edition* in the flavours lemon and strawberry

Aachener Printen- und Schokoladenfabrik Henry Lambertz GmbH & Co. KG

Refreshing new additions to the Lambertz Lambertini range.

Strawberry and Lemon flavours seduce the senses with a harmonious combination of fruity flavours and creamy

Truffle cream in combination with aromatic strawberry or lemon marzipan, the new Lambertini creations are a summery flavour experience.

Lemon marzipan gives the pralines a tangy note, while the strawberry marzipan pampers the palate of praline lovers with a sweet freshness and increases the anticipation of warm summer days. And the Lambertini are the ideal fruity and refreshing treat in the summer months.

The Lambertz Lambertini are available in a box with 150g.

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