SIAL 2024German Exhibitors Kuchenmeister GmbH

Kuchenmeister GmbH

Booth number: 5B J 190

About us

The Kuchenmeister GmbH, headquartered in Soest / Germany, is a family business with a long tradition. Since the establishment of an artisan bakery in 1884, we became an international leader in fine patisserie and have developed up to the present day.
Approximately 1000 employees at the parent plant Soest and other production sites generate an annual turnover of over 250 million euros. Around 500 different products are available in 80 countries worldwide.


Kuchenmeister GmbH
Coesterweg 31
59494 Soest

Phone:  +49 2921 78080

Bakery Products

Visit website

Heart Waffles

Croissants with Mars Chocolate and Caramel fillling

Croissants with a creamy MilkyWay filling

Smarties Mini Muffins

Cakes, different varieties

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